Get white backdrop for e-commerce instantly
Drag and drop your photo (PNG or JPG, up to 50MB). Whether it’s a product shot or a portrait, our tool supports all image sizes.
Our AI instantly detects and deletes the background. No manual work needed—ideal for quick edits.
Adjust edges, add a solid color (like light blue or white), or upload a custom backdrop for a professional look.
Save your image with a transparent background, ready for social media, online stores, or print.
Precision matters. White backdrop highlights every diamond facet and fabric thread, meeting Amazon’s strict photo policies. Our edge-detection AI preserves delicate details while removing shadows. For versatility, layer semi-transparent dark blue backgrounds or seasonal themes like easter background bunnies. Export images ready for Shopify product photo success—cropped, lit, and compliant.
Try it freeTransform your product photos by changing the backdrop to something more appealing. A new background can make your items stand out on marketplaces, increasing customer interest. Whether you need a transparent background or a custom design, our tool helps you change backdrop effortlessly. Elevate your visuals and drive higher conversions with professional-looking images.
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