Get white backdrop for e-commerce instantly
Drag and drop your photo (PNG or JPG, up to 50MB). Whether it’s a product shot or a portrait, our tool supports all image sizes.
Our AI instantly detects and deletes the background. No manual work needed—ideal for quick edits.
Adjust edges, add a solid color (like light blue or white), or upload a custom backdrop for a professional look.
Save your image with a transparent background, ready for social media, online stores, or print.
Turn dull product shots into eye-catching visuals with a light blue background. Perfect for Shopify stores and Etsy sellers, this color elevates apparel, home decor, and food product photos without overpowering details. Our AI tool handles complex edges (like lace or glass) and auto-matches lighting for realistic results. Use the light blue preset for consistency across catalogs or blend it with purple AI cover backgrounds for creative campaigns. Export in Amazon product photo size or high-res for print catalogs.
Try it freeOver 60% of purchases happen on mobile—light blue backgrounds ensure your products pop on small screens. This color’s neutrality reduces glare, perfect for product photography lighting challenges like glossy packaging or metallic finishes. Our AI tool removes backgrounds and applies light blue with one click, optimized for Shopify image banner sizes and Instagram Stories. Pair with black backdrop borders for contrast or light green backgrounds for eco-friendly branding.
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