Get white backdrop for e-commerce instantly
Drag and drop your photo (PNG or JPG, up to 50MB). Whether it’s a product shot or a portrait, our tool supports all image sizes.
Our AI instantly detects and deletes the background. No manual work needed—ideal for quick edits.
Adjust edges, add a solid color (like light blue or white), or upload a custom backdrop for a professional look.
Save your image with a transparent background, ready for social media, online stores, or print.
No studio? No problem. Upload your clothing items, and our AI removes chaotic backgrounds, replacing them with white backdrop purity or wood textures for artisanal brands. Fix distorted colors, add dynamic shadows, and ensure Shopify product photo success with platform-optimized sizing. Perfect for capsule collections—maintain a cohesive look across all items.
Try it freeBlurry images kill sales. Our AI sharpens clothing product details, removes unwanted folds, and replaces backgrounds with black backdrops for elegance or purple AI covers for bold campaigns. Optimized for Shopify image sizes and mobile screens. Already have photos? Fix yellow tints and shadows in seconds.
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