Get white backdrop for e-commerce instantly
Drag and drop your photo (PNG or JPG, up to 50MB). Whether it’s a product shot or a portrait, our tool supports all image sizes.
Our AI instantly detects and deletes the background. No manual work needed—ideal for quick edits.
Adjust edges, add a solid color (like light blue or white), or upload a custom backdrop for a professional look.
Save your image with a transparent background, ready for social media, online stores, or print.
Elevate your clothing brand product shoots and beauty item listings with professional photo editing tailored for ecommerce. Our AI-powered tools remove cluttered backgrounds, replace them with studio backgrounds or light blue hues, and enhance details like fabric textures and makeup finishes. For apparel sellers, seamlessly add clothing to models using virtual try-on AI—no photoshoot costs. Fix lighting issues, eliminate wrinkles digitally, and ensure Shopify product photo success with platform-optimized sizes. Beauty brands gain too: retouch skincare packaging reflections or create natural soap product backgrounds in minutes. Batch-edit entire catalogs to maintain a cohesive look across collections.
Try it freeWhy juggle multiple apps? Our AI edits clothing brand product shoots and beauty item photos in one platform. For fashion: add clothing to models in 10 poses, adjust drape, and apply forest backgrounds for outdoorwear. For beauty: retouch labels, create transparent canvas banners for serums, or use white backdrop compliance for Amazon. Save presets for consistent edits across campaigns.
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